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A resource to help you negotiate CPTSD

Trauma Life Lemon Logo

A resource to help you negotiate CPTSD

We are not who our trauma says
One of the greatest gifts for those of us with complex trauma is disbelief in its voice.

Traumabrain & Us

Traumabrain & Us



How can forgiveness be anything other than an insult to us traumatised?

We deserve better

Negotiating Trauma

Negotiating Trauma

Trauma is a hard, unrelenting path

But we can choose one that uses it without being used by it.

We are only ever one thought away from peace. Just the one single thought. That thought can never be defeated by hostility or resentment. It can, however, be relinquished in the light of the understanding we can bring to it.
Welcome to traumalife
To begin at the beginning…

Examining the Unexamined

Examining the Unexamined

An Invitation...

Personal experience isn’t always the best guide when it comes to helping others manage trauma.
Offering different perspectives is far more valuable as then we can find our own answers, in our own way.
This is an invitation to look at our trauma (and our thinking) from new, surprising and fresh perspectives.
Gaining new perspectives often means letting go of unexamined beliefs we have about our trauma and our thinking in general. Examining what we have always assumed to be self-evident truths is a pre-requisite for any deep, abiding change.
Because when we look at what we presently believe, with no preconceptions, we can often find absurdity where once only blind certainty existed.
We are not children. This is not a site to tell you what to think, or what to believe.
Rather, it is a place where the first step is simply examining the everyday beliefs we carry.
The answers you gain are yours. They may be shared with others – but they are answers built not of shared opinion, but of your own personal insight.
So I cordially invite you to begin at the beginning; to examine and see if our shared assumptions are actually true. The button below takes you to a post where our beliefs and assumptions are tested by the simple act of observation.
Join me, and others who have stood from a new place to look at old problems.
Just potter around poking at things. It’s an ancient and noble tradition you’ll be following in. You’ll discover that the site includes input from our cousins across the neurodivergent spectrum sharing their wisdom of living in a world that rewards conformity.  There is also input from wonderful people who have, either through vocational or personal interest, something relevant and engaging to offer to us traumatised folk.
Lastly there is the blog. Yes, it contains the scattering of views and experiences that “a brain like a circus” (thank you Kath) can conjure. But at its heart is a carefully structured collection of posts in two categories; ‘Perspectives’ and ‘Practice’.
So, pootle, potter, poke and peep to your heart’s content. But please be aware, I don’t offer a cure. What is on offer is a way of living with trauma that calls forth the highest and best in us, and that helps us to live from that point rather than from the internal hell of a mind at war with itself. The trauma will still throw grenades. But we can disarm those grenades on the fly. We can spend less time being dragged into those downward spirals. It’s work, that much is assured, but I cannot think of a more meaningful path considering where we have been, and where we can, with practice and insight, go.
Just potter around poking at things. It’s an ancient and noble tradition you’ll be following in.  There is also input from wonderful people who have, either through vocational or personal interest, something relevant and engaging to offer to us traumatised folk.
Lastly there is the blog. Yes, it contains the scattering of all the views and experiences that “a brain like a circus” (thank you Kath) can conjure. But at its heart is a carefully structured collection of posts in two categories; ‘Perspectives’ and ‘Practice’.
So, pootle, potter, poke and peep to your heart’s content. But please be aware, I don’t offer a cure. What is on offer is a way of living with trauma that calls forth the highest and best in us, and that helps us to live from that point rather than from the internal hell of a mind at war with itself. The trauma will still throw grenades. But we can disarm those grenades on the fly. We can spend less time being dragged into those downward spirals. It’s work, that much is assured, but I cannot think of a more meaningful path considering where we have been, and where we can, with practice and insight, go. 

My work can be copied and quoted free of charge. But it cannot be used as a basis for uncredited, derivative work and I must be credited as being the author. Both commercial and non-commercial use is fine.

It takes time, and it takes practice(s), many of which are outlined in the CPTSD blog. But to disbelieve the insane thoughts of CPTSD is a truly wonderful thing. No, it’s not the magic bullet – then again, what is? But it’s a get out of jail card each time we go down.

We can move, with practice and necessity, to the point of refusing to believe any thought unworthy of us.

For those of us with CPTSD, experiencing our abusers living rent free in our head is a real burden.  It may not be the only neurodivergent condition to face past abuse, but it is the only one created by it.

Rethinking what forgiveness means offers us so much. It is NOT excusing others their appalling behaviour. Instead, forgiveness (or to use a preferred term, apethis) done right is freedom. It is releasing ourselves from the emotional impact that holding useless grievances has on our lives. We do it for ourselves. We do it because we deserve to be free from negativity uselessly held.

“The most beautiful teapot in the world has one last thing to do before it can be acclaimed as such. It has to pour a cup of tea.”

There are many fine ideas in the world. Many concepts that call us higher. On a good day there’s even inspiration.

But none of it matters without a logical, structured ladder of ideas and practices that help us to climb it. That teapot has to pour a cup of tea. The CPTSD Blog provides both invitations to look at old issues from new perspectives as well as the practices we need to make our realisations a part of us. The two go hand in hand.

What this site is for

This site is peer, trauma-informed observation only. It may be of little help, or it may be extremely useful. Either way, as regards trauma, it is not a replacement for any accredited therapy administered by a qualified therapist. It is intended as a practical supplement to ongoing work and not as a replacement for it.

Having said that, welcome to trauma life!